The Dot Potential

by Tuesday, July 3, 2012
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I read this morning about the new fragrance from Marc Jacobs called DOT. It is such a sweet coincidence that dots are also a very important part of my universe. So what is it like the new perfume DOT??? It is very dotish & jacobs-like :)))) 
What I meant it is flowerish with notes of red berries, jasmin and vanilla and there is really no better way to present the perfume than in a sweet ladybug. It is the only bug which I can handle crawling nearby me, or even on me. And here is a tip – if you are scared of bugs, just try to think that it is always a ladybug, just wearing some other ugly costume, or having a bad hair day! Thats what I say all the time – to all my friends!
It is really nice when a creative team gets to the bottom of a new launch and round it all up – the name-the perfume bottle, the story and the fragrance like with all the Marc Jacobs Perfumes. The perfume is still unfamiliar to me, but I will update this one as soon as I get the smell it! I promise I will be critical, as much as a dreamer can be (i just get easily carried away and inspired…). Until then a really cool visual…
xx Chi
Marc Jacobs DOT Visual
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